Source code for modelcif.associated

"""Classes to associate extra files with the system.

   Typically, one or more :class:`Repository` objects are created and
   added to :attr:`modelcif.System.repositories`."""

import posixpath

[docs] class Repository(object): """An online location where associated files can be found. These objects are typically added to :attr:`modelcif.System.repositories`. :param str url_root: URL root that prefixes each file's path. For example, if url_root is ```` then a :class:`File` with path ``test.txt`` can be found at ````. If the files are not available online, None can be used here. :param list files: A list of :class:`File` objects. """ def __init__(self, url_root, files): self.url_root = url_root self.files = files
[docs] def get_url(self, f): """Get the full URL for the given :class:`File`""" return posixpath.join(self.url_root or '', f.path)
[docs] class File(object): """A single associated file. These objects can be added to a :class:`Repository` or a :class:`ZipFile`. :param str path: File name. :param str details: Any additional information about the file. :param data: If available, the data (e.g. sequence, structure, alignment) that are stored in the file. :type data: :class:`` """ file_type = 'file' file_content = 'other' file_format = 'other' def __init__(self, path, details=None, data=None): self.path, self.details, = path, details, data
[docs] class CIFFile(File): """An associated file in mmCIF or BinaryCIF format. See :class:`File` for more details. :param str path: File name that will be used to construct URLs in the main mmCIF file (see :class:`Repository` or :class:`ZipFile`). :param str details: Any additional information about the file. :param data: If available, the data (e.g. sequence, structure, alignment) that are stored in the file. :type data: :class:`` :param list categories: If given, any mmCIF category names in this list are written out to ``local_path`` by :func:`modelcif.dumper.write` instead of to the primary file handle. :param list copy_categories: If given, any mmCIF category names in this list are written out to both ``local_path`` by :func:`modelcif.dumper.write` and the primary file handle. :param str entry_id: Unique identifier for the associated file, if written (by specifying ``categories`` or ``copy_categories``). :param str entry_details: A comment to be added to the associated file, if written (by specifying ``categories`` or ``copy_categories``). :param str local_path: File name that will be used for ``categories`` or ``copy_categories``. If not given, it defaults to the same as ``path``. (The file is always written directly to the local disk, even if this object is placed inside a :class:`ZipFile`.) :param bool binary: If False (the default), any output file is written in mmCIF format; if True, the file is written in BinaryCIF. """ _binary_ff_map = {True: 'bcif', False: 'cif'} file_format = property(lambda self: self._binary_ff_map[self.binary]) def __init__(self, path, details=None, categories=[], copy_categories=[], entry_id='model', entry_details=None, local_path=None, binary=False, data=None): super(CIFFile, self).__init__(path, details, data) self.categories = categories self.copy_categories = copy_categories = entry_id self.entry_details = entry_details self.local_path = local_path or path self.binary = binary
[docs] class LocalPairwiseQAScoresFile(CIFFile): """An associated file in CIF format containing local pairwise QA scores. See :class:`CIFFile` for more details. """ file_content = 'local pairwise QA scores'
[docs] class ZipFile(File): """An associated archive file in zip format, containing other files. See :class:`File` for more details. :param list files: A list of the :class:`File` objects contained within this archive. Note that an archive cannot contain another archive. """ file_type = 'archive' file_content = 'archive with multiple files' file_format = 'zip' def __init__(self, path, details=None, files=[], data=None): super(ZipFile, self).__init__(path, details, data) self.files = files