Source code for modelcif.reader

"""Utility classes to read in information in mmCIF or BinaryCIF format"""

import modelcif
import modelcif.model
import modelcif.protocol
import modelcif.qa_metric
import modelcif.alignment
import modelcif.reference
import modelcif.associated
import modelcif.descriptor
import ihm
import ihm.source
import ihm.reader
from ihm.reader import Variant, Handler, IDMapper, _ChemCompIDMapper
from ihm.reader import OldFileError, _make_new_entity
from datetime import date
import posixpath
import operator
import inspect
import collections
import functools
import warnings

def _get_date(iso_date_str):
    """Get a obj for a string in isoformat."""
    if iso_date_str is None:
        return None
    return date(int(iso_date_str[0:4]),

class _AuditConformHandler(Handler):
    category = '_audit_conform'

    def __call__(self, dict_name, dict_version):
        # Reject old file versions if we can parse the version
        if dict_name == "mmcif_ma.dic":
                major, minor, _ = [int(x) for x in dict_version.split('.')]
                if (major, minor) < (1, 3):
                    raise OldFileError(
                        "This version of python-modelcif only supports "
                        "reading files that conform to version 1.3 or later "
                        "of the ModelCIF extension dictionary. This file "
                        "conforms to version %s." % dict_version)
            except ValueError:

class _ReferenceIDMapper(IDMapper):
    """Add extra handling to IDMapper for ihm.reference.Reference objects"""

    def _make_new_object(self, newcls=None):
        if newcls is None or newcls is ihm.reference.Sequence:
            return self._cls(*(None,) * 4)
            return newcls(*(None,) * 3)

class _SystemReader(object):
    def __init__(self, model_class, starting_model_class):
        self.system = modelcif.System()

        #: Mapping from ID to :class:`ihm.Software` objects = IDMapper(, ihm.Software,
                                 *(None,) * 4)

        #: Mapping from ID to :class:`ihm.Citation` objects
        self.citations = IDMapper(self.system.citations, ihm.Citation,
                                  *(None,) * 8)

        #: Mapping from ID to :class:`ihm.Entity` objects
        self.entities = IDMapper(self.system.entities, _make_new_entity)

        #: Mapping from ID to :class:`ihm.source.Manipulated` objects
        self.src_gens = IDMapper(None, ihm.source.Manipulated)

        #: Mapping from ID to :class:`ihm.source.Natural` objects
        self.src_nats = IDMapper(None, ihm.source.Natural)

        #: Mapping from ID to :class:`ihm.source.Synthetic` objects
        self.src_syns = IDMapper(None, ihm.source.Synthetic)

        #: Mapping from ID to :class:`ihm.AsymUnit` objects
        self.asym_units = IDMapper(self.system.asym_units, ihm.AsymUnit, None)

        #: Mapping from ID to :class:`ihm.ChemComp` objects
        self.chem_comps = _ChemCompIDMapper(None, ihm.ChemComp, *(None,) * 3)

        self.software_groups = IDMapper(self.system.software_groups,

        self.default_data_by_id = {}
        self.data_by_id = {}
        self.data_groups = IDMapper(self.system.data_groups,

        self.transformations = IDMapper(self.system.template_transformations,
                                        modelcif.Transformation, *(None,) * 2)

        self.templates = IDMapper(self.system.templates, modelcif.Template,
                                  *(None,) * 4)

        self.template_segments = IDMapper(
            self.system.template_segments, modelcif.TemplateSegment,
            *(None,) * 4)

        self.default_model_class = model_class is modelcif.model.Model
        self._all_seen_models = []
        self.models = IDMapper(self._all_seen_models, model_class, [], None)

        self.model_groups = IDMapper(self.system.model_groups,

        self.assemblies = IDMapper(self.system.assemblies, modelcif.Assembly)

        self.protocols = IDMapper(self.system.protocols,

        self.references = _ReferenceIDMapper(None, ihm.reference.Sequence)
        self.alignments = IDMapper(None, ihm.reference.Alignment)

        self.assoc_by_id = {}

        self.qa_by_id = {}

        self.software_parameters = collections.defaultdict(list)

        self.alignment_pairs = collections.defaultdict(list)

        self.alignment_seqs = collections.defaultdict(list)

        # Correspondence between target and template sequence ranges
        self.target_template_poly_mapping = {}

        # Correspondence between target and template chains
        self.target_asym_for_template = {}

        # Mapping from Entity to bool ma_model_mode flag
        self.ma_model_mode_map = {}

    def finalize(self):
        # make sequence immutable (see also _make_new_entity)
        for e in self.system.entities:
            e.sequence = tuple(e.sequence)

        # If no Assembly is provided, assume each model consists of all Asyms
        # Assume everything in every Model is atomic
        for mg in self.system.model_groups:
            for m in mg:
                if not m.assembly:
                m.representation = ihm.representation.Representation(
                    [ihm.representation.AtomicSegment(seg, rigid=False)
                     for seg in m.assembly])

class _DatabaseHandler(Handler):
    category = '_database_2'

    def __call__(self, database_code, database_id):
        self.system.database = modelcif.Database(
            id=database_id, code=database_code)

class _ChemCompHandler(Handler):
    """Similar to ihm.reader._ChemCompHandler but also handles
       the ma_provenance data item"""
    category = '_chem_comp'

    _prov_map = {'ccd core': 'core', 'ccd ma': 'ma', 'ccd local': 'local'}

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(_ChemCompHandler, self).__init__(*args)
        # Map _chem_comp.type to corresponding subclass of ihm.ChemComp
        self.type_map = dict((x[1].type.lower(), x[1])
                             for x in inspect.getmembers(ihm, inspect.isclass)
                             if issubclass(x[1], ihm.ChemComp))

    def __call__(self, type, id, name, formula, ma_provenance):
        typ = 'other' if type is None else type.lower()
        s = self.sysr.chem_comps.get_by_id(
            id, self.type_map.get(typ, ihm.ChemComp))
        self.copy_if_present(s, locals(), keys=('name', 'formula'))
        if ma_provenance:
            s.ccd = self._prov_map.get(ma_provenance.lower())

class _ChemCompDescriptorHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_chem_comp_descriptor'

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(_ChemCompDescriptorHandler, self).__init__(*args)
        # Map _chem_comp_descriptor.type to corresponding subclass of
        # modelcif.descriptor.Descriptor
        self._type_map = dict(
            (x[1].type.lower(), x[1])
            for x in inspect.getmembers(modelcif.descriptor, inspect.isclass)
            if issubclass(x[1], modelcif.descriptor.Descriptor)
            and x[1] is not modelcif.descriptor.Descriptor)

    def __call__(self, chem_comp_id, type, value, details, software_id):
        s = self.sysr.chem_comps.get_by_id(chem_comp_id)
        type_class = self._type_map.get(
            type.lower(), modelcif.descriptor.Descriptor)
        software =
        desc = type_class(value=value, details=details, software=software)
        if not hasattr(s, 'descriptors') or not s.descriptors:
            s.descriptors = []

class _EntityNonPolyHandler(Handler):
    category = '_pdbx_entity_nonpoly'
    _mmmap = {'explicit': True, 'implicit': False}

    def __call__(self, entity_id, comp_id, ma_model_mode):
        s = self.sysr.entities.get_by_id(entity_id)
        s.sequence = (self.sysr.chem_comps.get_by_id(comp_id),)
        if ma_model_mode in (None, ihm.unknown):
            self.sysr.ma_model_mode_map[s] = ma_model_mode
            self.sysr.ma_model_mode_map[s] = self._mmmap.get(

class _TemplatePolyHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_template_poly'

    def __init__(self, sysr):
        super(_TemplatePolyHandler, self).__init__(sysr)
        # Use python-ihm's _EntityPolyHandler to do most of the work here
        self._eph = ihm.reader._EntityPolyHandler(sysr)

    def __call__(self, template_id, seq_one_letter_code,
        self._eph(entity_id=template_id, type=None,

    def finalize(self):
        # No type given in _ma_template_poly, so assume amino acid
        alphabet = ihm.LPeptideAlphabet()

        def _get_seq(codes, codes_can):
            for i, code in enumerate(codes):
                # Hopefully non-standard codes are listed in chem_comp table
                if code in alphabet:
                    yield alphabet[code]
                    comp = self.sysr.chem_comps.get_by_id(code)
                    # chem_comp table doesn't define one-letter codes, so
                    # fill them in here if we have them
                    comp.code = code
                    if i < len(codes_can):
                        comp.code_canonical = codes_can[i]
                    yield comp
        for t in self.system.templates:
            ei = self._eph._entity_info.get(t._id)
            if ei:
                t.entity = ihm.Entity(sequence=_get_seq(ei.one_letter,

class _TemplateNonPolyHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_template_non_poly'

    def __call__(self, template_id, comp_id):
        template = self.sysr.templates.get_by_id(template_id)
        seq = (self.sysr.chem_comps.get_by_id(comp_id),)
        template.entity = ihm.Entity(sequence=seq)

class _SoftwareGroupHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_software_group'

    def __call__(self, group_id, software_id, parameter_group_id):
        g = self.sysr.software_groups.get_by_id(group_id)
        s =
        # Don't need to handle None or ihm.unknown specially here; this will
        # map them to an empty list
        parameters = self.sysr.software_parameters[parameter_group_id]
        if parameters:
            s = modelcif.SoftwareWithParameters(software=s,

class _SoftwareParameterHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_software_parameter'

    def _get_int_list(self, value):
        return [int(x) for x in value.split(',')]

    def _get_float_list(self, value):
        return [float(x) for x in value.split(',')]

    def __call__(self, group_id, data_type, name, value, description):
        type_map = {"integer": self.get_int, "float": self.get_float,
                    "boolean": self.get_bool, "string": str,
                    "integer-csv": self._get_int_list,
                    "float-csv": self._get_float_list}
        pg = self.sysr.software_parameters[group_id]
        converter = type_map.get(data_type, str)
        p = modelcif.SoftwareParameter(name=name, value=converter(value),

class _DataHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_data'

    def __call__(self, id, name, content_type_other_details):
        d =, details=content_type_other_details)
        d._data_id = id
        self.sysr.default_data_by_id[id] = d

    def finalize(self):
        for data_id, defdata in self.sysr.default_data_by_id.items():
            data = self.sysr.data_by_id.get(data_id)
            if not data:
                # Add placeholder Data if only referenced in ma_data
                self.sysr.data_by_id[data_id] = defdata
            elif hasattr(data, 'name') and not
                # Add data-specific fields if they are present in ma_data
                # but not elsewhere
       =[:] = sorted(self.sysr.data_by_id.values(),

        for g in self.system.data_groups:
            g[:] = [self.sysr.data_by_id.get(x) for x in g]

class _DataGroupHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_data_group'

    def __call__(self, group_id, data_id):
        g = self.sysr.data_groups.get_by_id(group_id)
        # fill in real Data objects at _DataHandler.finalize time

class _DataRefDBHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_data_ref_db'

    def __call__(self, data_id, name, location_url, version, release_date):
        d = modelcif.ReferenceDatabase(
            name=name, url=location_url, version=version,
        self.sysr.data_by_id[data_id] = d
        d._data_id = data_id

class _EnumerationMapper(object):
    """Map an mmCIF enumerated value to the corresponding Python class"""
    def __init__(self, module, base_class, attr="name"):
        self._base_class = base_class
        self._other_name = getattr(base_class, attr).upper()
        self._attr = attr
        self._map = dict(
            (getattr(x[1], attr).upper(), x[1])
            for x in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass)
            if issubclass(x[1], base_class) and x[1] is not base_class)
        self._other_map = {}

    def get(self, name, other_det):
        """Get the Python class that matches the given name
           and other_details"""
        name = name.upper()
        typ = self._map.get(name)
        if typ:
            return typ
        # If name is not Other this is an enumeration value we don't have
        # a class for; make and cache a new class for the given name:
        if name != self._other_name:
            class ExtraType(self._base_class):
                other_details = None
            setattr(ExtraType, self._attr, name)
            self._map[name] = ExtraType
            return ExtraType
        # If name is "Other" then treat other_details as the key
        other_det_up = other_det if other_det is None else other_det.upper()
        if other_det_up not in self._other_map:
            class CustomType(self._base_class):
                other_details = other_det
                __doc__ = other_det
            self._other_map[other_det_up] = CustomType
        return self._other_map[other_det_up]

class _TargetEntityHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_target_entity'

    def __call__(self, entity_id, data_id):
        e = self.sysr.entities.get_by_id(entity_id)
        self.sysr.data_by_id[data_id] = e
        e._data_id = data_id

class _TargetRefDBHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_target_ref_db_details'

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(_TargetRefDBHandler, self).__init__(*args)
        # Map db_name to subclass of modelcif.reference.TargetReference
        self.type_map = _EnumerationMapper(modelcif.reference,

    def __call__(self, target_entity_id, db_name, db_name_other_details,
                 db_code, db_accession, seq_db_isoform, seq_db_align_begin,
                 seq_db_align_end, ncbi_taxonomy_id, organism_scientific,
                 seq_db_sequence_version_date, seq_db_sequence_checksum):
        e = self.sysr.entities.get_by_id(target_entity_id)
        typ = self.type_map.get(db_name, db_name_other_details)
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            ref = typ(code=db_code, accession=db_accession,

    def finalize(self):
        # Combine information from struct_ref (ihm.reference objects)
        # with that from _ma_target_ref_db_details (modelcif.reference).
        # Use db_name/db_code/accession as the key.
        # We start with two distinct lists, as python-ihm uses
        # as the key, which _ma_target_ref_db_details does not use.
        for e in self.system.entities:
            ihm_refs = [r for r in e.references
                        if not isinstance(r,
            ma_refs = [r for r in e.references
                       if isinstance(r, modelcif.reference.TargetReference)]
            e.references = ma_refs
            ma_refs = dict(((r.db_name, r.db_code, r.accession), r)
                           for r in ma_refs)
            for ir in ihm_refs:
                k = (ir.db_name, ir.db_code, ir.accession)
                mr = ma_refs.get(k)
                if mr is None:
                    # Change type from ihm to modelcif class
                    typ = self.type_map.get(ir.db_name, None)
                    ir.__class__ = typ
                    # Add missing fields only present in modelcif class
                    ir.isoform = ir.ncbi_taxonomy_id = None
                    ir.organism_scientific = ir.sequence_version_date = None
                    ir.sequence_crc64 = None
                    ir.align_begin = ir.align_end = None
                    # Add struct_ref info to corresponding modelcif object
                    mr.sequence = ir.sequence
                    mr.details = ir.details
                    mr.alignments = ir.alignments

class _TransformationHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_template_trans_matrix'

    def __call__(self, id, tr_vector1, tr_vector2, tr_vector3, rot_matrix11,
                 rot_matrix21, rot_matrix31, rot_matrix12, rot_matrix22,
                 rot_matrix32, rot_matrix13, rot_matrix23, rot_matrix33):
        t = self.sysr.transformations.get_by_id(id)
        t.rot_matrix = ihm.reader._get_matrix33(locals(), 'rot_matrix')
        t.tr_vector = ihm.reader._get_vector3(locals(), 'tr_vector')

class _TemplateDetailsHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_template_details'

    def __call__(self, template_id, template_trans_matrix_id,
                 template_data_id, target_asym_id, template_label_asym_id,
                 template_label_entity_id, template_model_num,
        template = self.sysr.templates.get_by_id(template_id)
        template.transformation = self.sysr.transformations.get_by_id(
        # Add empty sequence (hopefully will fill in from _ma_template_poly
        # or _ma_template_non_poly)
        template.entity = ihm.Entity([])
        template.entity_id = template_label_entity_id
        template.asym_id = template_label_asym_id
        template.model_num = self.get_int(template_model_num)
        template._strand_id = template_auth_asym_id
        self.sysr.data_by_id[template_data_id] = template
        template._data_id = template_data_id
        self.sysr.target_asym_for_template[template_id] = target_asym_id

class _TemplateRefDBHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_template_ref_db_details'

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(_TemplateRefDBHandler, self).__init__(*args)
        # Map db_name to subclass of modelcif.reference.TemplateReference
        self.type_map = _EnumerationMapper(
            modelcif.reference, modelcif.reference.TemplateReference)

    def __call__(self, template_id, db_name, db_name_other_details,
                 db_accession_code, db_version_date):
        t = self.sysr.templates.get_by_id(template_id)
        typ = self.type_map.get(db_name, db_name_other_details)
        ref = typ(accession=db_accession_code,

class _TemplatePolySegmentHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_template_poly_segment'

    def __call__(self, id, template_id, residue_number_begin,
        segment = self.sysr.template_segments.get_by_id(id)
        segment.template = self.sysr.templates.get_by_id(template_id)
        segment.seq_id_range = (int(residue_number_begin),

def _get_align_class(type_class, mode_class, align_class_map):
    """Create and return a new class to represent an alignment"""
    k = (type_class, mode_class)
    if k not in align_class_map:
        class Alignment(type_class, mode_class):
        align_class_map[k] = Alignment
    return align_class_map[k]

class _AlignmentInfoHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_alignment_info'

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(_AlignmentInfoHandler, self).__init__(*args)
        # Map type to subclass of modelcif.alignment.AlignmentType
        self._type_map = dict(
            (x[1].type.upper(), x[1])
            for x in inspect.getmembers(modelcif.alignment, inspect.isclass)
            if issubclass(x[1], modelcif.alignment.AlignmentType)
            and x[1] is not modelcif.alignment.AlignmentType)
        # Map mode to subclass of modelcif.alignment.AlignmentMode
        self._mode_map = dict(
            (x[1].mode.upper(), x[1])
            for x in inspect.getmembers(modelcif.alignment, inspect.isclass)
            if issubclass(x[1], modelcif.alignment.AlignmentMode)
            and x[1] is not modelcif.alignment.AlignmentMode)
        # Cache created Alignment classes
        self._align_class_map = {}

    def __call__(self, alignment_id, data_id, software_group_id,
                 alignment_type, alignment_mode):
        type_class = self._type_map.get(
            alignment_type.upper(), modelcif.alignment.AlignmentType)
        mode_class = self._mode_map.get(
            alignment_mode.upper(), modelcif.alignment.AlignmentMode)
        software = self.sysr.software_groups.get_by_id_or_none(
        align_class = _get_align_class(type_class, mode_class,
        alignment = align_class(name=None, pairs=[], software=software)
        alignment._id = alignment_id
        self.sysr.data_by_id[data_id] = alignment
        alignment._data_id = data_id

    def finalize(self):
        for aln in self.sysr.system.alignments:
            for pair in self.sysr.alignment_pairs[aln._id]:
                k = (pair.template._id,
       = \
            # todo: handle multiple alignments, multiple templates
            for flag, sequence in self.sysr.alignment_seqs[aln._id]:
                if flag == '2':  # template
                    aln.pairs[0].template.gapped_sequence = sequence
                else:  # target
                    aln.pairs[0].target.gapped_sequence = sequence
        # Handle nonpolymer templates
        for tmpl_id, tgt_asym_id in self.sysr.target_asym_for_template.items():
            template = self.sysr.templates.get_by_id(tmpl_id)
            if not template.entity.is_polymeric():
                asym = self.sysr.asym_units.get_by_id(tgt_asym_id)
                asym.__class__ = modelcif.NonPolymerFromTemplate
                asym.template = template
                asym.explicit = self.sysr.ma_model_mode_map.get(

class _AlignmentHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_alignment'

    def __call__(self, alignment_id, target_template_flag, sequence):
        # Remember for later; processed by AlignmentInfoHandler.finalize()

class _AlignmentDetailsHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_alignment_details'

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(_AlignmentDetailsHandler, self).__init__(*args)
        # Map denom to subclass of modelcif.alignment.Identity
        self._ident_map = _EnumerationMapper(
            modelcif.alignment, modelcif.alignment.Identity,
        # Map score_type to subclass of modelcif.alignment.Score
        self._score_map = _EnumerationMapper(
            modelcif.alignment, modelcif.alignment.Score, attr='type')

    def __call__(self, alignment_id, template_segment_id, target_asym_id,
                 score_type, score_type_other_details, score_value,
                 percent_sequence_identity, sequence_identity_denominator,
        score_class = self._score_map.get(score_type, score_type_other_details)
        score = score_class(self.get_float(score_value))
        ident_class = self._ident_map.get(
        ident = ident_class(self.get_float(percent_sequence_identity))
        template = self.sysr.template_segments.get_by_id(template_segment_id)
        asym = self.sysr.asym_units.get_by_id(target_asym_id)
        # We don't know the target segment yet (will be filled in at finalize
        # time from the ma_target_template_poly_mapping and ma_alignment
        # tables)
        tgt_seg = asym.segment(gapped_sequence=None, seq_id_begin=None,
        p = modelcif.alignment.Pair(template=template, target=tgt_seg,
                                    identity=ident, score=score)
        # Cannot add to alignment yet as it might not exist; remember for
        # now and we'll add in finalize() of AlignmentInfoHandler

class _TargetTemplatePolyMappingHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_target_template_poly_mapping'

    def __call__(self, template_segment_id, target_asym_id,
                 target_seq_id_begin, target_seq_id_end):
        k = (template_segment_id, target_asym_id)
        rng = (self.get_int(target_seq_id_begin),
        # Remember for now and we'll add in finalize() of AlignmentInfoHandler
        self.sysr.target_template_poly_mapping[k] = rng

class _AssemblyHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_struct_assembly'

    def __call__(self, assembly_id, asym_id, seq_id_begin, seq_id_end):
        a = self.sysr.assemblies.get_by_id(assembly_id)
        asym = self.sysr.asym_units.get_by_id(asym_id)
        if seq_id_begin is None and seq_id_end is None:
            a.append(asym(int(seq_id_begin), int(seq_id_end)))

    def finalize(self):
        # Any AsymUnitRange which covers an entire asym,
        # replace with AsymUnit object
        for a in self.system.assemblies:
            a[:] = [self._handle_component(x) for x in a]

    def _handle_component(self, comp):
        if isinstance(comp, modelcif.AsymUnitRange) \
           and comp.seq_id_range == comp.asym.seq_id_range:
            return comp.asym
            return comp

class _AssemblyDetailsHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_struct_assembly_details'

    def __call__(self, assembly_id, assembly_name, assembly_description):
        a = self.sysr.assemblies.get_by_id(assembly_id) = assembly_name
        a.description = assembly_description

class _ModelListHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_model_list'

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(_ModelListHandler, self).__init__(*args)
        # Map model_type to subclass of modelcif.model.Model
        self._type_map = _EnumerationMapper(
            modelcif.model, modelcif.model.Model,

    def finalize(self):
        # Put all models not in a group in their own group
        models_in_groups = frozenset(m._id for mg in self.system.model_groups
                                     for m in mg)
        # Get ungrouped models in the order encountered in the file
        ungrouped = [m for m in self.sysr._all_seen_models
                     if m._id not in models_in_groups]
        if ungrouped:
            mg = modelcif.model.ModelGroup(ungrouped)

    def __call__(self, model_id, model_group_id, model_name, model_group_name,
                 assembly_id, data_id, model_type, model_type_other_details):
        if self.sysr.default_model_class:
            model_type = self._type_map.get(
                model_type, model_type_other_details)
            model = self.sysr.models.get_by_id(model_id, model_type)
            model = self.sysr.models.get_by_id(model_id)
            model.model_type = model_type
        mg = self.sysr.model_groups.get_by_id(model_group_id) = model_group_name = model_name
        self.sysr.data_by_id[data_id] = model
        model._data_id = data_id
        model.assembly = self.sysr.assemblies.get_by_id(assembly_id)

class _ProtocolHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_protocol_step'

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(_ProtocolHandler, self).__init__(*args)
        # Map method_type to subclass of modelcif.protocol.Step
        self._method_map = dict(
            (x[1].method_type.upper(), x[1])
            for x in inspect.getmembers(modelcif.protocol, inspect.isclass)
            if issubclass(x[1], modelcif.protocol.Step)
            and x[1] is not modelcif.protocol.Step)

    def __call__(self, protocol_id, method_type, step_name, details,
                 software_group_id, input_data_group_id, output_data_group_id):
        p = self.sysr.protocols.get_by_id(protocol_id)
        stepcls = self._method_map.get(method_type.upper(),
        indata = self.sysr.data_groups.get_by_id(input_data_group_id)
        outdata = self.sysr.data_groups.get_by_id(output_data_group_id)
        software = self.sysr.software_groups.get_by_id_or_none(
        step = stepcls(input_data=indata, output_data=outdata, name=step_name,
                       details=details, software=software)

def _get_assoc_type_maps():
    # Get a mapping from (file_content,file_format) to a subclass of
    # modelcif.associated.File
    cs = [x[1] for x in inspect.getmembers(modelcif.associated,
          if issubclass(x[1], modelcif.associated.File)
          and x[1] is not modelcif.associated.File]
    _type_map = dict(
        ((x.file_content.upper(), x.file_format.upper()), x)
        for x in cs if not hasattr(x, '_binary_ff_map'))
    # Do the same thing for classes that take a 'binary' argument
    _bin_type_map = {}
    for x in cs:
        if not hasattr(x, '_binary_ff_map'):
        file_content = x.file_content.upper()
        for binary, file_format in x._binary_ff_map.items():
            _bin_type_map[(file_content, file_format.upper())] = (x, binary)
    return _type_map, _bin_type_map

def _get_assoc_class(file_content, file_format, type_map, binary_type_map):
    # Use previous mapping to get a subclass of modelcif.associated.File
    # from (file_content, file_format)
    k = (file_content.upper(), file_format.upper())

    filecls_bin = binary_type_map.get(k)
    if filecls_bin:
        filecls, binary = filecls_bin
        return functools.partial(filecls, binary=binary)
        return type_map.get(k, modelcif.associated.File)

class _AssociatedHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_entry_associated_files'

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(_AssociatedHandler, self).__init__(*args)
        self._repos_by_root = {}
        self._type_map, self._binary_type_map = _get_assoc_type_maps()

    def __call__(self, id, file_url, file_type, file_format, file_content,
                 details, data_id):
        filecls = _get_assoc_class(
            file_content, file_format, self._type_map, self._binary_type_map)
        # Assume everything before last slash (if any) is URL root
        url_root, path = posixpath.split(file_url)
        url_root = url_root or None
        r = self._repos_by_root.get(url_root)
        if not r:
            r = modelcif.associated.Repository(url_root=url_root, files=[])
            self._repos_by_root[url_root] = r
        c = filecls(path=path, details=details, data=data_id)
        self.sysr.assoc_by_id[id] = c

    def finalize(self):
        # Map data_id to Data objects
        for repo in self.system.repositories:
            for f in repo.files:
       = self.sysr.data_by_id.get(

class _AssociatedArchiveHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_associated_archive_file_details'

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(_AssociatedArchiveHandler, self).__init__(*args)
        self._type_map, self._binary_type_map = _get_assoc_type_maps()
        self._archive_files = collections.defaultdict(list)

    def __call__(self, id, archive_file_id, file_path, file_format,
                 file_content, description, data_id):
        filecls = _get_assoc_class(
            file_content, file_format, self._type_map, self._binary_type_map)
        c = filecls(path=file_path, details=description, data=data_id)
        # Top-level archive file might not exist yet

    def finalize(self):
        # Put files in archives
        for archive_file_id, files in self._archive_files.items():
            archive = self.sysr.assoc_by_id.get(archive_file_id)
            if archive:
                # Map data_id to Data objects
                for f in files:
           = self.sysr.data_by_id.get(
                archive.files = files

def _make_qa_class(type_class, mode_class, p_name, p_description, p_software):
    """Create and return a new class to represent a QA metric"""
    class QA(type_class, mode_class):
        name = p_name
        __doc__ = p_description
        software = p_software
    QA.__name__ = p_name
    return QA

class _QAMetricHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_qa_metric'

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(_QAMetricHandler, self).__init__(*args)
        # Map mode to subclass of modelcif.qa_metric.MetricMode
        self._mode_map = dict(
            (x[1].mode.upper(), x[1])
            for x in inspect.getmembers(modelcif.qa_metric, inspect.isclass)
            if issubclass(x[1], modelcif.qa_metric.MetricMode)
            and x[1] is not modelcif.qa_metric.MetricMode)
        # Map type to subclass of modelcif.qa_metric.MetricType
        # (also allow user-defined "other" classes)
        self._type_map = _EnumerationMapper(
            modelcif.qa_metric, modelcif.qa_metric.MetricType, attr="type")

    def __call__(self, id, name, description, type, mode, type_other_details,
        type_class = self._type_map.get(type, type_other_details)
        mode_class = self._mode_map.get(mode.upper(),
        software = self.sysr.software_groups.get_by_id_or_none(
        self.sysr.qa_by_id[id] = _make_qa_class(
            type_class, mode_class, name, description, software)

class _QAMetricGlobalHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_qa_metric_global'

    def __call__(self, model_id, metric_id, metric_value):
        model = self.sysr.models.get_by_id(model_id)
        metric_class = self.sysr.qa_by_id[metric_id]

class _QAMetricLocalHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_qa_metric_local'

    def __call__(self, model_id, label_asym_id, label_seq_id, metric_id,
        model = self.sysr.models.get_by_id(model_id)
        asym = self.sysr.asym_units.get_by_id(label_asym_id)
        seq_id = self.get_int(label_seq_id)
        residue = asym.residue(seq_id)
        metric_class = self.sysr.qa_by_id[metric_id]

class _QAMetricPairwiseHandler(Handler):
    category = '_ma_qa_metric_local_pairwise'

    def __call__(self, model_id, label_asym_id_1, label_seq_id_1,
                 label_asym_id_2, label_seq_id_2, metric_id, metric_value):
        model = self.sysr.models.get_by_id(model_id)
        asym1 = self.sysr.asym_units.get_by_id(label_asym_id_1)
        seq_id1 = self.get_int(label_seq_id_1)
        residue1 = asym1.residue(seq_id1)
        asym2 = self.sysr.asym_units.get_by_id(label_asym_id_2)
        seq_id2 = self.get_int(label_seq_id_2)
        residue2 = asym2.residue(seq_id2)
        metric_class = self.sysr.qa_by_id[metric_id]
        model.qa_metrics.append(metric_class(residue1, residue2,

[docs] class ModelCIFVariant(Variant): """Used to select typical PDBx/ModelCIF file input. See :func:`read` and :class:`ihm.reader.Variant`.""" system_reader = _SystemReader _handlers = [ ihm.reader._StructHandler, ihm.reader._SoftwareHandler, ihm.reader._CitationHandler, ihm.reader._AuditAuthorHandler, ihm.reader._GrantHandler, ihm.reader._CitationAuthorHandler, _ChemCompHandler, _ChemCompDescriptorHandler, ihm.reader._EntityHandler, ihm.reader._EntitySrcNatHandler, ihm.reader._EntitySrcGenHandler, ihm.reader._EntitySrcSynHandler, ihm.reader._EntityPolyHandler, ihm.reader._EntityPolySeqHandler, _EntityNonPolyHandler, ihm.reader._StructAsymHandler, _SoftwareGroupHandler, _DatabaseHandler, _SoftwareParameterHandler, _DataHandler, _DataGroupHandler, _DataRefDBHandler, _TargetEntityHandler, ihm.reader._StructRefHandler, ihm.reader._StructRefSeqHandler, ihm.reader._StructRefSeqDifHandler, _TargetRefDBHandler, _TransformationHandler, _TemplateDetailsHandler, _TemplateRefDBHandler, _TemplatePolySegmentHandler, _TemplatePolyHandler, _TemplateNonPolyHandler, _AlignmentHandler, _AlignmentInfoHandler, _AlignmentDetailsHandler, _TargetTemplatePolyMappingHandler, _AssemblyHandler, _AssemblyDetailsHandler, ihm.reader._AtomSiteHandler, _ModelListHandler, _ProtocolHandler, _AssociatedHandler, _AssociatedArchiveHandler, _QAMetricHandler, _QAMetricGlobalHandler, _QAMetricLocalHandler, _QAMetricPairwiseHandler] def get_handlers(self, sysr): return [h(sysr) for h in self._handlers] def get_audit_conform_handler(self, sysr): return _AuditConformHandler(sysr)
[docs] def read(fh, model_class=modelcif.model.Model, format='mmCIF', handlers=[], warn_unknown_category=False, warn_unknown_keyword=False, reject_old_file=False, variant=ModelCIFVariant): """Read data from the file handle `fh`. See :func:`` for more information. The function here behaves similarly but reads in files compliant with the ModelCIF extension directory rather than IHM. Note that if a custom ``model_class`` is provided, any models present in the file will be returned as that type, regardless of their type stated in the mmCIF file (e.g. homology model, ab initio model). (However, the ``model_type`` attribute will be set appropriately.) If the input file references any associated files, they will be listed in :attr:`modelcif.System.repositories`. The files will not be downloaded or read in, however. :return: A list of :class:`modelcif.System` objects. """ return fh, model_class=model_class, format=format, handlers=handlers, warn_unknown_category=warn_unknown_category, warn_unknown_keyword=warn_unknown_keyword, reject_old_file=reject_old_file, variant=variant)